How & When did you join 808 Breakers?
In December of 2009 I got down with the crew with members such as Funky T and Layne. I was good friends with Dream , Shoyu, and Attack (808 Breakers earlier 3rd Generation) and had a lot of passion for thisdance from the start.
How did you get into dancing/breaking?
Ditching high school and hanging out at a church until the early morning.
What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?
Skating, music, art, gym, food and partying with both new and old friends.

Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?
Anime & JRPG
What do you do now, currently in life?
I am a singer, actor, model, talent , and mixologist/ bartender.
Would you like to impart any wisdom or any value that you believe in?
"Never give up. Consistency is key."
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