Izumo Miyazawa

How & When did you join 808 Breakers?

I started dancing with Hijack as my teacher in Keiki Breaks and as time went on, many of the 808 Breakers became like older brothers to me. I officially battled into the crew during the Melting Pot 2022 Beach Party.

Photo by Taemin "Masta Minch" Kim

How did you get into dancing/breaking?

When I was younger, one of my uncles named Juniichi (JunOne) and my best friend Kaimana (ManaBreaks) invited me to come to dance with them in their garage. It's been a constant passion and place of discovery in my life ever since.

What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?

Playing Music.

Music production.

Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?

One Piece (anime)

Favorite music artists?

Michael Jackson

What do you do now, currently in life?

Right now I am attending high school and try to find time to play music, dance, surf, and hang out with family and friends whenever possible.

Would you like to impart any wisdom or any value that you believe in?

"Slap Bass."

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